Relativistic Nuclear Interactions

Pajares C., Shabelski Yu.M.

30,90 €
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This book is devoted to the processes of elastic and inelastic hadron-nucleus interactions at moderate (  1 GeV) and high energies. After short discussion of the main properties of atomic nuclei we present the standard Glauber theory for elastic and quasielastic hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus scattering. Then the inelastic shadow corrections which appear at high energies are reviewed with several methods for their calculation.

We consider the different absorptive parts of the elastic scattering amplitude by using the unitarity condition to study the inelastic hadron-nucleus collisions. Several phenomenological models, including Intranuclear Cascade Model, Additive Quark Model, and Quark-Gluon String Model are discussed in connection with the description of a large range of experimental data on multiparticle production from nuclear targets. The space-time picture of high energy interaction is given in detail.

Finally, the main features of high density parton matter, which is probably produced in high energy heavy ion collisions, are considered. Topics as thermalization, collective flow, parton saturation, colour glass condensate, energy loss, jet quenching, quarkonium suppression, and percolation of colour sources are introduced.



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